Live Wedding & Event Painting
Capture your wedding day or special event in an authentically unique way while entertaining family and friends. Guests will be mesmerized watching the progress of your painting during the event, and you will have a sentimental piece of artwork to take home and cherish forever.
How it works
Initial phone or video call with the couple or person booking to go over ideas.
4-6 hours of live painting performance during your event.
Gallery wrapped canvas and professional grade acrylic paints.
Early arrival 1-3 hours before event begins for background painting. As your guests arrive, important details will be added in.
90% of the painting completed during event. Final touches added in studio.
Artwork sealed and edges painted.
Emailed photograph of painting after studio refinement for final client review.
Shipping costs covered within CA.
Included with all packages
My artistic style is colorful impressionism, specializing in outdoor picturesque settings. I love painting the light and color of the day in a way that captures the essence of your event and differs from a realistic photograph.
Have your scene painted as is, or combine multiple elements of your event, Add or remove objects from the scene. Opportunity to collaborate and get creative to feature elements that are most important to you.
Popular moments to capture during a wedding are the first kiss, vows, ceremony exit, first look, posed portraits, first dance, or grand entrance.
You can choose to have your canvas horizontal or vertical.
Guest interaction is one of my favorite parts! Guests often watch, chat, and photograph as I paint.
Clients spend an average of $4,000-$8,000 on their live event painting experience.
Additional Details & Travel fees
Los Angeles, CA based & will travel anywhere to paint your love story!
A 50% deposit and signed the agreement are required to book your date. The remaining 50% will be required 2 weeks prior to your event.
The day of the event, a vendor meal is required.
If the venue is over 3 hours (or 100 miles) of driving, there is a travel fee to cover mileage/hotel reimbursement. If the venue is over 5 hours, a flight reimbursement is also required. Please reach out for a specific travel quote for your location.
A 5’ x 5’ space at your event that is close to an outlet at night.
Kind words
“Alicia is very talented and was able to capture such a special and vibrant moment. She is a pleasure to work with and went above and beyond for us. We highly recommend her!”
- Stephanie & Daniel
Photos by: Frank Salas Photography / Sun & Sparrow Photography / Interstellar Image